Proof of concept study of data-driven novel therapeutic agents for obsessive-compulsive disorder and their indication expansionNozomi AsaokaAssistant professor, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
Development of Therapeutic Seeds Based on Functional Analysis of Alzheimer’s Disease Causative GenesHideaki MatsuiProfessor, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University
Development of a comprehensive blood biomarker system capable of assessing the background pathology of dementia using PET as a reference standardKenji TagaiResearcher, Institute for Quantum Medical Science, National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST)
Multi-layer sequencing of germline, somatic, virus variants accelerate seeds development of autoimmune neurological diseasesYukinori OkadaProfessor, The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine
Unleashing a New Era: Pioneering Therapies for α-SynucleinopathiesNobutaka HattoriProfessor and Chairperson, Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine
Discovery of brain circuit biomarkers and development of neurofeedback therapy based on generative/adversarial AI and digital brainsAurelio CorteseHead, Brain Information Communication Research Laboratory Group, Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International
Development of a data-driven mathematical model that elucidates and regenerates the linkage between of abnormal protein accumulation and a glial cell networkYuichiro YadaDesignated Lecturer, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Hierarchical cyber brain with genes, circuit, and behaviorAkihiro FunamizuLecturer, Institute for Quantitative Bioscience, the University of Tokyo
Development of a data-driven whole brain model for identification of disease etiological mechanismsHiromichi TsukadaAssociate Professor, Center for Mathematical Science and Artificial Intelligence, Chubu University
Creation of a Digital Atlas of Human Brain Gene Expression as a Basis for Dementia ResearchMari TadaProfessor, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University
Artificial neural network modeling of movement disordersTomohiko TakeiProfessor, Brain Science Institute, Tamagawa University
Functionalize Brain Simulation Network and Deep Learning Model by High-Dimensional Neural DataSUN ZHEJunior Associate Professor, Juntendo University Faculty of Health Data Science