Principal Investigator

Jiajia Yang
Professor, Okayama University Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health Systems
The current project aims to develop a super-hierarchical layer-specific information decoding model to investigate human multi-scale brain function. To achieve this goal, first, we will use the ultra-high-field laminar fMRI technique at 7 Tesla to obtain the whole brain layer-specific brain activation of the common marmoset. Then, we will record the high temporal resolution layer-specific neurophysiological data from the same marmoset. Finally, we will combine these data to develop the decoding model and test it in humans.
Tatsuya Umeda
Associate Professor, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
Hirohiko Imai
Associate Professor, Innovation Research Center for Quantum Medicine, Gifu University School of Medicine
Masaki Fukunaga
Project Professor, National Institute for Physiological Sciences, The National Institutes of Natural Sciences